What To Put In Your Dog's Easter Basket

Spring has almost sprung, and you know what that means! It’s time for the holiday that has the best candy of them all. Easter!

Like any awesome pet parent, of course you want an excuse to spoil your dog. And with the warmer weather, maybe it’s time to refresh the toy stash. What better way to incorporate your pup in the celebration of spring and life, than with her very own Easter basket!?

Putting together an Easter basket for your dog is fun, and you don’t have to go overboard to treat your dog. We have some cute ideas for Easter treats your dog will love. Plus, we have a few warnings about things that are better left out. Let us help you build your dog the best Easter basket ever!


Putting Together Your Dog’s Easter Basket

Start with a fun container to put things in. You can use a traditional basket if you aren’t worried about your dog chewing on it, but do this with caution, and think about keeping it where your dog can’t get to it unsupervised. For safer options, you can use a bucket, a canvas bin that you can repurpose later for dog toys, or even a bed if you have a small dog.

Here are some fun ideas for your dog’s Easter basket. Pro-tip: Don’t have time to compile everything? Snag a Fido Fizzies Peeps Gift Box to cover all of your bases!

Dog Easter Toys 

Your dog needs a special plush toy in her basket. Like these fun plush Easter eggs. If eggs aren’t your dog’s style, find a bunny, or even a carrot! Pet Easter plushies come in dozens of shapes for light to medium chewers. For dogs who like to rip out the stuffing to get right to the squeaker, find an unstuffed plush toy like this adorable bunny by Kong. 

Since the weather is perfect for spending time outside, throw in some toys that will be great for playtime in the yard with your pup. Things like a frisbee, fun tennis ball, or even dog-safe bubbles are great outdoor activities.

Speaking of outdoor activities, here are a couple fun, outdoor activities that your dog can join in on:

Sensory Egg Hunt

Easter egg hunts are so much fun for humans, so why can’t our dogs join in on the fun? To host a Sensory Egg Hunt for your dog, you have a few options.

Version 1: Fill plastic Easter eggs with some tasty, good-smelling treats. Hide the eggs in your yard or around your home, and have your dog sniff them out. When your dog finds an egg, help them by opening up the egg for them. Then give them their tasty reward! In this version, safety is key! You want to make sure that your dog is not attempting to eat the plastic Easter eggs as this can be incredibly dangerous.

Version 2: Use real, hard boiled eggs in your hunt! Did you know that dogs can eat hard boiled eggs? Peel and all! Boil up some eggs, dye them with dog safe dye, and hide them for your dog to find and eat. A few important things to remember here are 1) make sure to count how many eggs you’ve hidden as you don’t want to find an old, rotten egg later and 2) to avoid an upset tummy, keep the number of eggs you hide to a minimum.

Easter Photoshoot

For another fun, outdoor activity, consider doing a little East photoshoot. Pick up some adorable bunny ears, some pastel accessories, and other Easter decor. Your dog will look absolutely adorable! Plus, this is the perfect opportunity for a family photoshoot too!

dog easter bunny ears easter activities

Dog Easter Treats

Is it really an Easter basket if it’s not filled with tasty treats? Your dog might not be able to eat chocolate, but he’ll love a bag of carob cookies. Or, if you love a little DIY activity, we love these fun, dog-friendly Easter recipes

Dog Grooming Products

Human or dog, everyone loves to be pampered. In the spring, your dog’s paws are still recovering from winter weather. So why not treat them to a soothing Paw Soak and Paw Melt Pack? The Paw Soak removes irritants, and the paw melt moisturizes and helps prevent cracking paws. 

You can’t go wrong with the gift of non-itchy skin in your dog’s basket. A Stop The Itch bath bomb is perfect for allergy season. Many dogs suffer from allergies, and your dog might start getting itchy, irritated skin with the changing seasons. This soothing dog bath bomb contains ingredients like colloidal oatmeal that soothes the skin and helps repair the moisture barrier. 

Shopping for your dog can be a whole lotta fun. But life gets pretty busy. That’s why we’ve put together a Peep Box to make snagging an Easter gift for your dog super easy! Your dog will get a cute bandana featuring multi-color bunny peeps, a toy, and a special Easter bath bomb that you can only find in the gift set!

What Not To Put in Your Dog’s Easter Basket

Of course you want your dog’s Easter basket to look adorable… even if the only one who will appreciate it is you and your dog’s Instagram followers. When finding a basket and arranging it, keep safety in mind. Some Easter favorites can be dangerous for pups, and our dogs really don’t know any better.

dog easter basket safety


Make sure that when you arrange the basket, you are careful about any filler you use. Don’t use plastic grass that your dog could potentially swallow. The plastic will not break down in their stomach. This could lead to serious complications like an intestinal blockage. If you must use a filler, use paper, which can be digested. 

Unless you know your dog is not a chewer, avoid a basket made with wire. If he decides to make it a chew toy, the wire could cause injury. Plastic baskets should also be on the no list since these can easily be chewed and swallowed.

If you give your dog a plush toy, make sure it’s one designed for canines. Plush toys for children are not constructed with chewing in mind. They are not sturdy and can be destroyed easily. Plus, the stuffing may be plastic based, making it indigestible and a blockage hazard.

You will certainly have so much fun finding the perfect things for your dog's Easter basket. And we know your dog will have fun once she realizes that it's a basket filled with things just for her!

To see more bath products and accessories that your dog will love, stop on by the Fido Fizzies online shop!